
Convert Creole
to Slidy

Looking for a free text converter? Look no more, upload your Creole 1.0 files and convert them to Slidy HTML and JavaScript slide show files. Yes, it’s that easy.

Converting from Creole 1.0

Creole is a markup language, aimed at being a common markup language for wikis. It’s lightweight and tries to enable and simplify the transfer of content between different wiki engines. The design is based on a comparision of different major wiki engines and using the most common markup. But to be honest, the adoption is limited. Many systems offer it as an option, but only few use it by default. And why should they? They can come here and convert any text format in any other text format for free anyway. If you want to use it though, go for it! Happy converting!

The files end with .creole by default.

More about Creole 1.0 files

Converting to Slidy HTML and JavaScript slide show

Slidy is a Web-based slideshow created by the W3C, so it doesn’t get more official. The output is accessible and can be viewed with every web browser. Pretty cool, huh? It’s nothing for people that like their presentations styled though. Yes, you can add a little bit CSS. But come on, if you want a beautiful slideshow, I don’t think that’s the easiest way to go. If you want to invest literally no time, then it’s probably a good solution. You can use a Markdown file that contains your notes and generate a slideshow from it. Just put a few dashes between the sections to have multiple slides. Easy as that.

The files end with .html by default. More about Slidy HTML and JavaScript slide show files