
Convert EPUB
to Jira wiki

Looking for a free text converter? Look no more, upload your EPUB files and convert them to Jira wiki markup files. Yes, it’s that easy.

Converting from EPUB

EPUB is an e-book file format that is actually based on a ton of other formats like XML, XHTML, DTBook, SVG, CSS, NCX (What the hell is this?), Dublin Core (sounds bad ass) and Zip. Oh man, I’m not sure if there is a text format that is a combination of more formats than EPUB. It’s like someone tried to combine every fricking format out there. Couldn’t they stick with fewer file formats? Anyway, we have this free online converter here. Not sure if it works, but just upload your file and we’ll see what we can do. I have to google if there is a book about EPUB. This history of the greatest text format of all times. Or something like that.

The files end with .epub by default.

More about EPUB files

Converting to Jira wiki markup

You said Jira? Isn't this the japanese name for Godzilla? Never mind. I think you're looking for the software. The one software to rule them all. I'm praying for the souls working at Atlassian. I mean this code base must be … big. And actually, I hope for a future where nobody uses Jira. But seems like you're using Jira. Or you work with someone who is using Jira as a project management tool. Or as a wiki. I don't know what you're doing, but I'll include you in my prayers. Good luck converting to this Jira wiki text thing.

More about Jira wiki markup files