
Convert FictionBook
to Markdown (Original)

Looking for a free text converter? Look no more, upload your FictionBook2 e-book files and convert them to original unextended Markdown files. Yes, it’s that easy.

Converting from FictionBook2 e-book

FictionBook is an open (nice!) XML-based e-book format, that’s pretty popular in Russia. The format doesn’t specify the appearance of the document, it describes it’s structure. There are special tags for epigraphs, verses, quotations and a few more. It also contains the ebook metadata (author name, title, publisher) and is great for automatic processing and indexing. And the best thing: It’s DRM-free. In contrast to ePub it’s a single XML file, even images are embedded (as Base64). That’s how e-books should work I guess. If you’re wondering how e-books should not work, read a little bit about how ePub works.

The files end with .fb2 by default.

More about FictionBook2 e-book files

Converting to original unextended Markdown

The original unextended Markdown is based on the syntax outlined in John Gruber’s original design document. It already has many elements, but missed features like tables, code blocks, syntax highlighting, URL auto-linking and footnotes. Things that most of us take for granted today. I don’t know why anyone would stick with the original Markdown format, but I guess it’s something for purists. Or maybe you have a legacy system that only supports the original Markdown format. Anyway, have fun and convert to or from the strict version, the original Markdown format. We are happy to support the free conversion from and to it.

The files end with .md by default. More about original unextended Markdown files