
Convert HTML
to Jira wiki

Looking for a free text converter? Look no more, upload your HTML files and convert them to Jira wiki markup files. Yes, it’s that easy.

Converting from HTML

HTML has a real badass name. Hypertext markup language. I mean, it starts with Hyper, right? HTML is the most important language for websites. The internet would be just text without it. HTML has the structure of the content, the hierarchy, the images and all the good stuff. And the bad stuff (e. g. tracking) too. Convert all your text files to HTML and slap them on a webserver to get a website. The most simple workflow to make a blog. Did you know that you can view the HTML of every website you visit? Just do a right-click and view the source. Feel like a hacker now? Congratulations. That’s how I fell in love with HTML and the web. Don’t wait no more, convert all your files to HTML, for free.

The files end with .html by default.

More about HTML files

Converting to Jira wiki markup

You said Jira? Isn't this the japanese name for Godzilla? Never mind. I think you're looking for the software. The one software to rule them all. I'm praying for the souls working at Atlassian. I mean this code base must be … big. And actually, I hope for a future where nobody uses Jira. But seems like you're using Jira. Or you work with someone who is using Jira as a project management tool. Or as a wiki. I don't know what you're doing, but I'll include you in my prayers. Good luck converting to this Jira wiki text thing.

More about Jira wiki markup files