
Convert Jupyter
to InDesign

Looking for a free text converter? Look no more, upload your Jupyter notebook files and convert them to InDesign ICML files. Yes, it’s that easy.

Converting from Jupyter notebook

Jupyter Notebook are the perfect playground for every nerd. The documents are based on JSON, but they follow a versioned schema, and contain ordered lists of input/output cells which can contain code, Markdown text, mathematics, plots and rich media. See what I mean? Jupyter Notebook provides a browser-based interactive interface that let’s you make those files. The whole Jupyter universe is huge. But you’re here, so I suppose you already know more about this stuff than me. You’re probably only looking for a nice and free converter and what should I say? I’ve never used Jupyter, but I built this free online converter you’re looking for. Happy converting!

The files end with .ipynb by default.

More about Jupyter notebook files

Converting to InDesign ICML

An ICML file contains Adobe InCopy stories. This is the file format you want to use to collaborate with a designer that uses Adobe Indesign. I have no idea why you should use this file format instead. There are so many free, open, documented, better text formats out there. An Adobe file format would be the least I’d use to store relevant information. But I don’t want to stop you. If you are here to convert a few files online, you have probably a reason already. At least it’s free to convert the files here. So good luck with your project! Keep up the good work!

The files end with .icml by default. More about InDesign ICML files