
Convert Markdown (GitHub)
to LaTeX

Looking for a free text converter? Look no more, upload your GitHub-Flavored Markdown files and convert them to LaTeX files. Yes, it’s that easy.

Converting from GitHub-Flavored Markdown

We love Markdown, because it’s just plain text. It’s simple and powerful at the same time. Pure beauty. It’s this one standard that works everywhere. Okay, it works a little bit different depending on the platform you are using, but we all agree that the GH flavor is the one and only Markdown flavor, don’t we? Actually, I’m not sure what’s so special about this MD standard, but never mind. Hopefully you know what’s it all about. Anyway, here is your free online converter for GitHub-flavored Markdown. Just upload your file, cross fingers and download the result. Hope it works.

The files end with .md by default.

More about GitHub-Flavored Markdown files

Converting to LaTeX

LaTeX was developed in 1984 and no, that’s not a typo. It’s nearly 40 years old. It started as a writing tool for mathematicians and computer scientists, but has quickly been taken up by scholars who wanted to write documents with math expressions or non-Latin scripts (Arabic or Chinese for example). As with a lot of other text document formats, it’s used to structure the content, not style it. LaTeX is used directly or as an intermediate format to produce files for printing or digital distribution. It supports highlighting (such as bold or italic), citations and cross-references. Or to make it short: It’s the most powerful format to structure your texts. Convert all your files to LaTeX.

The files end with .tex by default. More about LaTeX files