
Convert Markdown (GitHub)
to Markdown (MultiMarkdown)

Looking for a free text converter? Look no more, upload your GitHub-Flavored Markdown files and convert them to MultiMarkdown files. Yes, it’s that easy.

Converting from GitHub-Flavored Markdown

We love Markdown, because it’s just plain text. It’s simple and powerful at the same time. Pure beauty. It’s this one standard that works everywhere. Okay, it works a little bit different depending on the platform you are using, but we all agree that the GH flavor is the one and only Markdown flavor, don’t we? Actually, I’m not sure what’s so special about this MD standard, but never mind. Hopefully you know what’s it all about. Anyway, here is your free online converter for GitHub-flavored Markdown. Just upload your file, cross fingers and download the result. Hope it works.

The files end with .md by default.

More about GitHub-Flavored Markdown files

Converting to MultiMarkdown

Markdown is amazing, and MultiMarkdown is a multitude of amazing. It’s like the original Markdown but enriched with more features (tables, footnotes, citations …). It helps to keep your text structured with minimally marked-up plain text, like other Markdown flavors too. It’s great to convert it to PDF, HTML and LaTeX or other formats. People even use it to write books and stuff. I have no idea what’s different to other formats, but if you’re here you probably have some MultiMarkdown files and want to convert them. Or you really need those MultiMarkdown files but have other source files, both ways work here. Upload your file and convert it. To be honest, I prefer the GitHub flavor, but that’s just me. (Don’t trust me, I’m the lonely soul writing those texts here.)

The files end with .mmd by default. More about MultiMarkdown files