
Convert JSON (Pandoc)
to Textile

Looking for a free text converter? Look no more, upload your Pandoc JSON files and convert them to Textile files. Yes, it’s that easy.

Converting from Pandoc JSON

This free online converter is based on Pandoc, a command-line tool that is capable of converting nearly any text format to any other text format. Under the hood Pandoc converts text formats to an abstract tree. Pandoc uses the abstract tree to generate your desired format. That abstract tree can be stored as JSON, so that’s what we do here. Not sure why anybody would want a JSON file with a Pandoc AST, but probably you just need any JSON (JavaScript object notation) represenation. Try Pandoc JSON, it’s good to parse in any language. Hope that helps! At least it’s free.

The files end with .json by default.

More about Pandoc JSON files

Converting to Textile

Textile is a lightweight markup language to convert text to HTML. 2002, Dean Allen developed the format to use it in his own content management system called Textpattern. It was originally written in PHP, like Textpattern was, but has been translated to Perl, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and C#. There is no standard nor a working specification. Though, there are a handful of tools that use or used Textile. JIRA, Jekyll, Qt, Redmine, Salesforce too only name a few. Not sure why someone would want to work with it, but I bet there are reasons. Dean Allen called it “a humane web text generator”, sounds nice, doesn’t it?

The files end with .textile by default. More about Textile files