
Convert JSON (Pandoc)
to XWiki

Looking for a free text converter? Look no more, upload your Pandoc JSON files and convert them to XWiki markup files. Yes, it’s that easy.

Converting from Pandoc JSON

This free online converter is based on Pandoc, a command-line tool that is capable of converting nearly any text format to any other text format. Under the hood Pandoc converts text formats to an abstract tree. Pandoc uses the abstract tree to generate your desired format. That abstract tree can be stored as JSON, so that’s what we do here. Not sure why anybody would want a JSON file with a Pandoc AST, but probably you just need any JSON (JavaScript object notation) represenation. Try Pandoc JSON, it’s good to parse in any language. Hope that helps! At least it’s free.

The files end with .json by default.

More about Pandoc JSON files

Converting to XWiki markup

Let’s start with the good parts: XWiki is a free and open source software platform. The idea behing XWiki is to build a software that’s easily extensible. It comes with a Wiki (surprise!), a search, a blog, a file manager, a calendar, forums and tasks. A real jack of all trades. The text markup language looks like the MediaWiki syntax, but a few extra features. You can even add CSS to parts of your document (not sure if that’s a good idea though), or even complex things like a filterable table. Unfortunately the XWiki platform is written in Java. You should probably have some experience with Java to extend it’s functionality. That’s definitely not for me.

The files end with .txt by default. More about XWiki markup files