
Convert Markdown (Original)
to AsciiDoc

Looking for a free text converter? Look no more, upload your original unextended Markdown files and convert them to AsciiDoc files. Yes, it’s that easy.

Converting from original unextended Markdown

The original unextended Markdown is based on the syntax outlined in John Gruber’s original design document. It already has many elements, but missed features like tables, code blocks, syntax highlighting, URL auto-linking and footnotes. Things that most of us take for granted today. I don’t know why anyone would stick with the original Markdown format, but I guess it’s something for purists. Or maybe you have a legacy system that only supports the original Markdown format. Anyway, have fun and convert to or from the strict version, the original Markdown format. We are happy to support the free conversion from and to it.

The files end with .md by default.

More about original unextended Markdown files

Converting to AsciiDoc

AsciiDoc is like the older brother of Markdown. It’s human-readable without any special tools. It’s like DocBook XML, but based on plain-text mark-up (instead of XML). Add an = in front of a line to mark it as headline. It’s easy like that. Wondering who uses this text format? Wikipedia states that the Git documentation is written in AsciiDoc. I’m not Wikipedia or near as clever, but you landed here and chances are high that you are in the club of people using AsciiDoc. Or maybe you just have to use this format. No matter what, just upload the file and convert it to any other format. Hope it helps!

The files end with .asciidoc by default. More about AsciiDoc files