
Convert Vimwiki
to FictionBook

Looking for a free text converter? Look no more, upload your Vimwiki files and convert them to FictionBook2 e-book files. Yes, it’s that easy.

Converting from Vimwiki

For people that think Vim is not confusing enough: Let me introduce you to VimWiki. A personal wiki inside of Vim. Maxim Kim, the developer of VimWiki, was stuck in Vim for years. After trying to exit Vim for a while, he tried to accept his fate and used the time behind bars to invent something new. VimWiki was born. It consists of a number of linked text files that have their own syntax highlighting. Use it to organize notes, manage to-dos, write documentation or maintain a diary (nobody will expect your diary inside of Vim). I wonder if someone already invented

The files end with .wiki by default.

More about Vimwiki files

Converting to FictionBook2 e-book

FictionBook is an open (nice!) XML-based e-book format, that’s pretty popular in Russia. The format doesn’t specify the appearance of the document, it describes it’s structure. There are special tags for epigraphs, verses, quotations and a few more. It also contains the ebook metadata (author name, title, publisher) and is great for automatic processing and indexing. And the best thing: It’s DRM-free. In contrast to ePub it’s a single XML file, even images are embedded (as Base64). That’s how e-books should work I guess. If you’re wondering how e-books should not work, read a little bit about how ePub works.

The files end with .fb2 by default. More about FictionBook2 e-book files