
Convert Word
to PowerPoint

Looking for a free text converter? Look no more, upload your Word files and convert them to PowerPoint slide show files. Yes, it’s that easy.

Converting from Word

Not sure if the world would be a better place without Microsoft Word, but I guess we’ll never find out. It’s here and it’s here to stay. Every fricking office computer has Word on it. Techies hate it, because it’s not really machine-readable, it’s proprietary and there is no documented standard. Office people love it though. There are not limits. Put text in it, fine. Add images, no problem. Want to switch the font to Comic Sans? Sure! Make a creative layout, amazing! Do whatever you like. But don’t forget to convert it to a proper file format before you send it to a techie.

The files end with .docx by default.

More about Word files

Converting to PowerPoint slide show

This site converts a lot of valuable file formats into a lot of other valuable file formats for free. And there are tons of file formats out there. I wrote for every single format a text, but I refuse to write a text about PowerPoint files. Sorry. I googled PowerPoint and found a few shitty infographics with fun facts about PowerPoint, maybe I just put them here and call it a day: PowerPoint was originally called Presenter. It was originally created for Macintosh. Microsoft bought PowerPoint for $14.000.000. Approximately 35 million PowerPoint presentations are given each day. Most people tune out of a presentation within 10 minutes. Okay, that’s not what I laugh about.

The files end with .pptx by default. More about PowerPoint slide show files